Amenity Grasses

Amenity Straight Grasses

Common Bent
Agrostis capillaris


Creeping Bent
Agrostis stolonifera


Chewings Fescue
Festuca rubra commutata

Hard Fescue
Festuca Trachyphylla
Perennial Ryegrass
Lolium perenne


Rough Stalked Meadowgrass
Poa trivialis

Sheeps Fescue
Festuca ovina


Slender Creeping Red Fescue
Festuca rubra litoralis

Smooth Stalked Meadowgrass
Poa pratensis

Strong Creeping Red Fescue
Festuca rubra rubra


Tall Fescue (Amenity Type)
Festuca arundinacea

Also available:

Brown Top Bent – Agrostis Tenuis 
Annual Ryegrass (Turf Type) – Loilum multiflorum

Dip (Diploid) and Tet (Tetraploid)

Diploid has two chromosomes per cell, therefore less cell content relative to cell wall material, resulting in a higher level of dry matter.  Diploids are mainly used in permanent pastures due to high tiller rates and durability.

Tetraploid has four chromosomes per cell, therefore more cell content relative to cell wall material, resulting in a lower level of dry matter.  For this reason, Tetraploids tend to be sweeter and more palatable with a higher nutritional value.

Annual and Perennial

An Annual is a plant that germinates, flowers and dies in a year or one season.

Perennial is a plant that lives for more than two years. They grow and bloom over the spring and summer and die back during the winter.


Tel: 01789 763159
Seed Quotes and Enquiries – [email protected] / [email protected]
Seed Orders – [email protected]