Miscellaneous Legumes
Alsike Clover
Trifolium hybridum
Alsike Clover is a low growing, short term perennial that fixes nitrogen. It persists on acidic or waterlogged soils and can survive over winter providing temperatures are not exceptionally cold. Alsike Clover has a slower growth habit and is not as aggressive as other clovers. It produces pollen rich flower heads throughout summer than are attractive to pollinators. Can cause bloat in livestock.
Sowing Rate – 6Kg/acre
Birdsfoot Trefoil (Ag)
Lotus corniculatus
Birdsfoot Trefoil is a winter hardy, protein rich, medium term perennial legume that fixes nitrogen. Considered a bloat safe forage legume, it can also help combat parasitic nematodes (worms) and reduce methane outputs. This species won’t tolerate heavy grazing as this severely damages the plant, so rotational grazing is recommended.
Sowing Rate – 5Kg/acre 12.5Kg/ha
Blue Lupin
Lupinus angustifolius

Blue Lupin is an annual legume that is highly effective at fixing nitrogen. Turning the crop under prior to full bloom will give maximum soil improvement as this is when nitrogen levels are at their highest. Blue Lupin is also good at breaking up soil compaction due to long, deep tap roots.
Sowing Rate – 25Kg/acre 62Kg/ha
Medicago sativa

Lucerne, also known as Alfalfa, is a longer term perennial clover used widely as a green manure, It is drought resistant, has nitrogen fixing capabilities and is ideally suited to free draining, alkaline soils. Lucerne is best used as silage for cattle and sheep as causes bloat if grazed. It has a high annual yield of approximately 14t DM per hectare when cut three times a year.
Sowing Rate – 8Kg/acre
Onobrychis vicifolia
Sainfoin is a high yielding, drought resistant legume that is extremely frost tolerant. It can be cut or grazed but is is best to avoid heavy grazing and poaching. Sainfoin is very good at repairing tired arable land as when ploughed in, will contribute significant residual nitrogen and fertility for the succeeding crop. It is a natural anthelmintic and won’t cause bloat.
Sowing Rate – 35Kg/acre
Pannonic Vetch
Vicia pannonica
Pannonic Vetch, also known as Hungarian Vetch, is a nitrogen fixing, winter hardy crop that creates rapid, dense ground cover. It produces white flowers and has slightly hairy stems.
Sowing Rate – 20-24Kg/acre
Yellow Blossom Clover
Melilotus officinalis
Yellow Blossom Clover, also known as Sweet Clover, is a quick growing, vigorous biennial. It has large deep tap roots that help break up compacted soils which improves soil structure and drainage. It also has nitrogen fixing capabilities.
Sowing Rate – 4Kg/acre
Also available:
Grazing Lucerne
Sowing Rate – 4Kg/acre 10Kg/ha
Lesser Trefoil (Suckling Clover)
Sowing Rate – 4Kg/acre 10Kg/ha
Sowing Rate – 5Kg/acre 12.5Kg/ha