Cutting & Grazing Mixtures

Long Term Cutting and Grazing Mix

2Kg Late Perennial Ryegrass -Dip
2Kg Late Perennial Ryegrass – Tet
2Kg Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass – Dip
2Kg Late Perennial Ryegrass -Dip
3Kg Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass – Tet
2Kg Timothy
1Kg White Clover Blend
Sowing Rate – 14Kg per acre

Traditional Graze and Hay

3Kg Late Perennial Ryegrass 
3Kg Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass 
1Kg Meadow Fescue 
2Kg Cocksfoot
2Kg Timothy
1Kg Strong Creeping Red Fescue 
1Kg Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
0.75Kg Medium White Clover
0.25Kg Small White Clover 
Sowing Rate – 14Kg per acre 

Hay and Haylage Mix

3Kg Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass 
3Kg Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
2Kg Late Perennial Ryegrass 
3.5Kg Late Perennial Ryegrass
2Kg Timothy
Sowing Rate – 13.5Kg per acre 


Tel: 01789 763159
Seed Quotes and Enquiries – [email protected] / [email protected]
Seed Orders – [email protected]